About Us

VLC Agency stands for two things; València and Visser Lok Creatives. València is the amazing city in which we, Iseline Visser and Mèrle Lok, lived for a few months and where our friendship started. The combination of our favorite city, our names, and our creative skills led to the name VLC Agency.

We both did our studies in marketing and through many work experiences and internships (abroad), we knew this was the industry in which we wanted to work. Besides marketing, traveling is another passion of ours. We have lived in Spain for a while and are currently living in Italy. We also visited many other countries and talked with people from all around the world as we are interested in their backgrounds and cultures. During these travels, we stayed in various different hotels, airbnbs and agritourismos and had delicious food in countless restaurants. These were all amazing in their own way, but when checking their online platforms this is not what (potential) guests can see. 

That is why we wanted to start our own agency to help these businesses grow and show guests who they really are online. We are always curious about the story behind a company, and what better way to get to know you than by traveling to you and spending time at your guesthouse or restaurant. We can fully focus on your business, whether you are in Italy, Spain, or any other country in the world! Unlike the big marketing agencies that cost you a lot of money, we want to become your friend and see you flourish from up close. We take full responsibility for the marketing and branding, social media, and content creation of your business, and share our ideas with you. However, we also want you to be able to do this by yourself in the future, so we will give you the best tips and tricks! 

So, if you feel like your business can use that extra spark, allow us to put you on the map! Whether you need a fresh logo or an enticing menu for your restaurant, or if you’re looking to generate amazing content that stands out from the crowd, we’re here to help you define your goals and create it with you.